Largely self-taught, I am inspired by nature and ordinary life around me. I work mainly in oils, but have ventured into watercolour and pastels occasionally.

Being born in Ireland had a big influence on my love of nature and colour. Surrounded by songs and stories, I was in fertile ground to foster vivid imagination.

At a young age, I was the winner at a local art competition. However, when it came to further education, I was strongly encouraged to follow a more well-trodden career route, and this did not include art. Like most amateur painters, once I entered the world of work it became my hobby, and I attended many local painting groups along the way.

I have always loved oil paint. I love the feel and texture on the canvas. In recent years I saw an opportunity to learn more about the history and classical approach to oil painting and enrolled for a one year course at the Norfolk Painting School. Through my time at Norfolk Painting School I have drawn inspiration from artists, such as Caravaggio, Turner, Sorolla, Joan Eardley and the Scottish Colourists.